
Engaged Member
Feb 17, 2020

Dev Update #25

What a week. First, let me explain the progress graphic, because it is a bit misleading this week. I did NOT magically go from 42% remaining to under 20% in the span of a week. I'm not that good. I ended up cutting a large scene, and replacing it with a much smaller one. Details aren't important, as that large scene may work its way back into the story. But that is how I made such a jump. Good news is that I now don't have much left in terms of renders remaining.

Before anyone gets too excited, there is a bit more work to be done after the renders before I can begin the beta. Likely nothing lengthy, but just something to consider when you're guessing when a release might be coming. My beta team will have a lot of proofing and checking to do also as we are getting into game territory where paths really matter and change a LOT of content. I've got some hopefully good changes for them this time to make the beta easier, but we are still working out the kinks there. I truly appreciate their time and patience with me. They make sure that you have something that is polished, even if we occasionally miss something.

If you're in the Discord and are a patron, you've seen some new experiments I've been working on. Don't get too excited, as nothing is game ready yet. But I'm very close on some things that I've been working on for a long time. I'm not saying anymore, as I've learned previewing anything that isn't definitely going to happen within a known timeframe bites me in the ass.

Speaking of patrons, $10+ patrons got a poll this week to choose a character to get a bonus scene in Chapter 7. I'm looking forward to writing that here soon.

Finally, I'm starting to get a bit smarter with my renders. For the longest time, I've written scenes as I felt they should always be, without any regard to what assets I'd need to purchase, etc. No longer. My wallet and my time are both tired of it. I'm going to be a bit more conscious, starting with Chapter 7, in where my characters interact, and how I can make that still believable and immersive, but without adding hours to setup times for renders. Long story short, I've learned why most VNs take place in homes and workplaces, usually just 2-3 characters at once, with very rare trips outdoors. LOL.




Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
1st isn't bad if it has elevator and 2nd isn't bad if can use skateboard to moving inside castle.


Aug 6, 2020
Well, the game will be a harem regardless of what the current king does or does not do. The dev himself has posted several times saying that the game is, in his words, a "full harem". My only question is if the official status of the women in the harem will be limited in some way, e.g. only one "official" wife type of scenario. If so I'd much prefer Aelinia to be the official wife over anyone else.
Me too .Aelina is the smartest and will make a good queen.


Aug 6, 2020
there's "tiny" flaw on your logic and that is that MC IS FUCKING VETERAN GENERAL so he couldn't be 20 something and still have same merits.
You know napolean bonaparte right?At the age of mc he had already died.And people joined military very early in the medieval times .I would prefer if mc was like in mid 30's .Anyways thank good he is younger than the king.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
You know napolean bonaparte right?At the age of mc he had already died.And people joined military very early in the medieval times .I would prefer if mc was like in mid 30's .Anyways thank good he is younger than the king.
different times and different countries. not saying it isn't possible just unlikely.


Jun 27, 2017

The patrons who had access to the poll for who gets bonus scenes have finished voting. It was closer than I thought, but the bonus scenes for Chapter 7 have been chosen. Yes, we're talking about Chapter 7 since Chapter 6 is in the final stages.
The voters chose Estrid (with 9 votes) and Lydia (with 7 votes). Newcomers you meet in Chapter 6, Dinah and Flavia, came close, but finished 3rd and 4th, respectively. Thanks to those who voted. I'll begin writing those scenes soon. I have some interesting plans, though I've got to review their upcoming scenes too.
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Oct 31, 2018
not that but how he is gonna keep them separated.
Since it was confirmed by the Dev that this is going to be a harem game, the answer to this is: He doesn‘t.

I sure hope he gets done with chapter 6 soon… all these previous make me lose my patience. Not that I don‘t appreciate them nonetheless


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
yes i know about harem but still he needs to keep them separated until he has fully hooked them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2018

Dev Update #26 - One You Won't Want to Miss
Well, well, well. Look at that progress graphic. When I started this week, I wasn't sure whether it would be late this weekend or early next week before I finished renders. Turns out it was a lot quicker, as I finished those up late on Wednesday. That gave me all day yesterday to work on a lot of the coding, which, mercifully, went as well as could be hoped. There still remains playtesting, which may reveal some issues I haven't found yet. I'll be doing my alpha later today, with any luck. No guarantees yet about a release date, as testing usually either goes really smoothly or uncovers a lot of things that will take some time to fix. The beta team should have the release either late today or tomorrow.

During the beta testing, I'll finish up the custom renders for those who pledge to that tier, as well as the special renders for the in-game image gallery. Shouldn't take me too long, and it's always a nice way to blow off some steam after the work I put into getting a release ready. Hundreds of hours go into these releases, so changing things up once I have the relief of at least having something ready for playtesting is always nice. Speaking of blowing off steam…

My plan is to take a short bit of time off once Chapter 6 releases, and I make sure there are no game breaking bugs I missed. I'll be around, just not doing renders or prep-work for Chapter 7. After that brief interlude, it will be time to fix some outstanding issues in my presets that I found during Chapter 6 (I am lazy and almost never fix these until the end of a chapter, unless they are major). Should take a few days, and then it will be back to "work" to start on Chapter 7. It's basically written, so that is awesome news. Renders can start immediately on it, as I should have all the new characters I need for it.

I hope all patrons who had a chance to catch it live OR watch the replay enjoyed . I'll try to do a few more of those going forward. Just don't want these to be something where we only have a couple of people show up.

It's a short dev update from me this week. I'm back at it now to wrap up Chapter 6 work. Hopefully I'll have something more to share next dev update.
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