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7 traits leaders of high-growth startups hire for that have nothing to do with experience — and the interview questions they ask candidates to uncover them

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Startup founders are more interested in your leadership skills than experience. Getty Images
  • Experience isn't the first thing that startups are looking for in a job candidate, especially if the company is something that's never been done before.
  • Startup founders and CEOs are more interested in diverse viewpoints, perseverance, leadership, passion, strong communication, drive, and an ability to take risks.
  • Hiring managers will uncover these skills in interviews by presenting case studies, asking about times of adversity and leadership, and looking for CEO-like qualities.
  • Some questions will query what you want out of the role and the biggest problems you've had to solve.
  • Click here for more BI Prime stories.

In her pre-Facebook days, Sheryl Sandberg interviewed for a job at eBay. At the time, she didn't have any experience in the tech sector, which she told the company's then-CEO, Meg Whitman. 

Whitman's response? 

"No one has any experience, because no one has ever done this before."

Sandberg took this message to heart and has used it since in her own hiring practices. Relaying the story to Reid Hoffman on his podcast, "Masters of Scale," she put it this way: 

"I decided what mattered was skills. I was going to go hire the best and the brightest, and people who were going to bring their passion and dedication and work hard. And actual experience in the field or related fields didn't matter."

It's an approach many startup leaders take. But when the first few — even few hundred — employees can make or break a company, what are the most crucial skills and traits to look for? 

Business Insider sat down with founders and hiring leaders at growing companies to get their take on what's most important. Here's what they said.

1. A diverse viewpoint

Jaclyn Baumgarten, CEO and cofounder of Boatsetter — a boat rental service featuring 17,000 vehicles around the globe that's raised $27 million since its founding in 2012, according to Crunchbase — once worked for a large commercial real estate company she described as very homogeneous, both in its employee base and its mindset. 

Jaclyn Baumgarten, CEO and cofounder of Boatsetter
Jaclyn Baumgarten. Jaclyn Baumgarten

"I was one of only two female developers in LA and, I believe, the only one under 45," she told Business Insider. As she dove into work aiming to solve various challenges, "I watched my senior colleagues get bogged down for lack of the capacity to see things from others' viewpoints and find creative solutions," she shared.

She decided that when she started her own business, she wasn't going to make the same mistake. "We were going to make diverse viewpoints and multifaceted intel our core," she explained.

Her team of more than 40 includes people from 13 countries who speak 10 different languages. "We quite literally have a huge diversity of world views, and it's a great competitive advantage for us," she said — especially because the company operates in 600 locations around the globe.

To uncover people who will add a different outlook, Baumgarten presents candidates with case studies of challenges Boatsetter is currently facing during the interview process. "Right there, I get to experience how they think — if they are creative, insightful, and if they happen to be adding an entirely new perspective that our team didn't yet have."

2. A sense of perseverance 

Naomi Hirabayashi and Marah Lidey, cofounders and co-CEOs of Shine, said that one of the most important values at the self-care and stress reduction app with a community of four million people is, "We find a way."

"You can have a really impressive resume, but if you don't have the grit to push through challenges to bring that experience to life, the experience only goes so far," they noted.

Naomi Hirabayashi and Marah Lidey, cofounders and co-CEOs of Shine
Naomi Hirabayashi and Marah Lidey. Naomi Hirabayashi and Marah Lidey

The value is rooted in their own backgrounds. "As founders and WOC we often describe ourselves as coming from non-traditional backgrounds … we didn't come from a lot of money and this path to entrepreneurship wasn't guaranteed," they shared. 

They both described "finding a way" early on in life — Lidey by figuring out the complicated financial aid system as the first person in her family to go to college, and Hirabayashi by attending two community colleges before getting accepted into a four-year university — and by navigating the ups and downs of startup life. 

"As business partners and close friends, whenever we face difficulties we're energized to problem solve together, keep a healthy perspective on the big picture, and keep moving. And we're surrounded by a team that does the same; it's crucial that new hires embody that same value," they added. 

To test for this sense of resilience, "We ask [candidates] to tell us about a time they bounced back from something. What was the situation, how did they handle it, and what did they learn?" they shared.

3. A leadership mindset

Lauren Lovelady, the cofounder of natural, aluminum-free deodorant company Each & Every, which has been featured everywhere from New York Magazine to AdWeek and reported a seven-times increase in sales this year, said that throughout her career she's had positive experiences with people who lack relevant experience but make up for it in great attitude and grit. 

Lauren Lovelady, the cofounder of natural, aluminum-free deodorant company Each & Every
Lauren Lovelady. Lauren Lovelady

"I have found that most people are coachable and eager to learn, so experience is not the most important trait," she shared. "Instead, I find myself relying on people I trust, and much of that comes from a positive attitude and ability to take charge and just get things done."

Whether she's bringing on full-time employees (currently a team of seven) or leveraging freelancers or external partners, Lovelady looks for a strong penchant for leadership. To suss it out, she asks candidates to recall times in their past where they've shown leadership, such as changing course on a project or coordinating a group of people with varying ideas and agendas to solve a problem. 

"I can usually understand someone's ability to show this trait during an interview as I'm talking to them about specific experiences," she said.

4. Passion for the role

When he first started his company, Nolan Walsh, the CEO and creative director of Thursday Boot, the footwear company lauded by Esquire, Forbes, Vogue, and GQ, noticed that some of the best hires were "somewhat spontaneous — people who continually solicited us to hire them although we weren't necessarily hiring in that area," he explained. "All three of our first hires were friends who volunteered to help because they thought it would be fun and interesting." 

Nolan Walsh, the CEO and creative director of Thursday Boot
Nolan Walsh. Nolan Walsh

So as his teams have continued to scale — currently at 60 employees and recruiting for product development, digital marketing, and data scientist roles — he's continued to use that approach as a compass.

"We ask hiring managers to answer two important questions for potential new hires: Does the candidate know what they want out of the role and company? Does the candidate want to be an expert in their functional area?"

After all, "the key to a fulfilling work-life is when a person's passions and interests align with their job. If a candidate knows what they want, it's much more likely things will work out," he explained. "I value a candidate's passion for the role and knowing what they want over any other data point."

5. Clear communication skills

"Something I learned from my father about hiring for leadership positions: In the interview he would ask them to tell him about their lives, not professional lives. He would ask about who they are, where they're from, and why they've chosen the major life paths that they did," shared Liana Kadisha, cofounder and president of Switch, the jewelry subscription business that's been featured in Elle, Glamour, Town & Country, and more.

Kadisha now takes this parental advice to heart when hiring for her growing 10-person team. 

Liana Kadisha, cofounder and president of Switch
Liana Kadisha. Liana Kadisha

"People aren't generally prepared to talk about what led them to their first job, why they choose to move to another city, or why they chose at that specific time to study that subject, but it's something they obviously know very well," she explained. "Being able to walk through that coherently and simply shows a few things: clarity of thought, decision making ability, … [and] unprepared authentic ability to communicate well."

Those skills are particularly important when bringing on anyone who will be in a management position, noted Kadisha. "It was something I considered when hiring our current head of operations," she noted. "It was helpful in weeding out those who were not strong communicators."

6. Desire for growth

Steven Gutentag is the founder of Thirty Madison, a growing 65-person company that launches direct-to-consumer healthcare brands such as Keeps, Cove, and Evens and has raised $22.8 million since its founding in 2017, according to Crunchbase — in other words, it's always in startup mode. 

Steven Gutentag is the founder of Thirty Madison
Steven Gutentag. Steven Gutentag

"There aren't always defined rules and guardrails for what comes next," he shared. As such, he looks for employees who "think like an owner" and are excited by the ability to play a significant role in growth and operations. 

"Startups are also places where decisions are made by those who show up, and asking to get involved is oftentimes the first step to playing an outsized role," he said. "When it comes to driving processes and getting involved, people who are hungry for personal and professional development tend to accomplish these tasks incredibly well."

To test for this, Gutentag asks job candidates to describe what it was like navigating varying degrees of complexity at their last workplace. He asks questions like: What was the biggest problem you had to solve? What happened when you hit a major roadblock? When the highest-stakes projects were being executed, what kind of role did you play? 

"We can usually tell pretty quickly if they're the kind of candidate we can see navigating some of the ambiguity (and fun!) that comes with operating at a rapidly growing healthcare company," he explained.

7. Comfort with risk

At Armoire, the four-year-old clothing rental subscription service that reported thousands of customers and 400% growth in 2019, there's a lot to be done — so, like Gutentag, CEO Ambika Singh looks for people to take initiative, and quickly. 

Ambika Singh, CEO Armoire
Ambika Singh. Ambika Singh

"At our stage of company and in our industry, the cost of being wrong is low — no one's lives are in our hands!" she said. "So I look for people that leap often, fall frequently, shake off mistakes, and keep going." 

Of course, not every decision is the right one every time, which Singh is comfortable with. What's more important, she said, is that people marry their penchant for risk with "the courage, creativity, and agility to solve problems." 

When interviewing candidates to join her now-75-person team, she likes to "listen for examples of risk-taking in a person's background and if that experience was positive or negative in the candidate's eyes." 

She also asks people what they would do in an ambiguous situation. "I am looking to see if they are assessing, asking for help, doing a reasonable amount of research or pre-work — and making a decision," she added.

Leslie Feinzaig, founder and CEO of Female Founders Alliance
Leslie Feinzaig. Leslie Feinzaig

Of course, it's often a mix of all these traits that makes a candidate the right hire. Leslie Feinzaig, founder and CEO of Female Founders Alliance, a network of women and non-binary founders, investors, and allies, puts it this way: "Rather than a single trait, I look for people who could be great startup CEOs themselves. They display a mix of curiosity, professional maturity, optimism, and action-orientation," she said. 

Importantly, she recognized that it's the mix that's right for her business, right now. "I believe this type of person is most suited for the stage of my current company, which is early enough that every single team member has an opportunity to drive a substantial piece of the business and become a primary leader of a large team in the future," she said.

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