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  1. howsmahdriving

    howsmahdriving Porn Surfer

    Oct 19, 2008
    ok so last monday i exchanged names with my target and her friend(female) and that was it pretty much. yesterday i tried ask the target and her friend together if they wanted to get together and study but the target had a phone call so i was talking to just her friend. her friend said she had mcat classes this weekend so she cant study then she asked the target if she wanted to get together to study but the target said she had to go home....
  2. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    you need to stop referring to girls as targets first off..
  3. Barbaric Swan

    Barbaric Swan Porn Star

    Aug 15, 2008

    and dude, just go up to her when she's not on the phone and ask her out for coffee sometime... it's so not hard, if she says yes, great, if she says no then get over it and ask someone more in your league out.
  4. howsmahdriving

    howsmahdriving Porn Surfer

    Oct 19, 2008
    its only for the context of the story so it doesnt confuse ppl
  5. Barbaric Swan

    Barbaric Swan Porn Star

    Aug 15, 2008
    very few people here are stupid or easily confused. the word "target" seems very mysogynistic (fuck the spelling) and even if i was single, i would never even look at a guy who used the word "target" about me.
  6. howsmahdriving

    howsmahdriving Porn Surfer

    Oct 19, 2008
    wow....for the sake of everyone's feeling just replace target to "the girl of interest" its not that big of a deal.
  7. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    It sounds like a term "The Pick-Up Artist" would use. That guy is a complete douche, and if people were smart, they wouldn't listen to him, because he's a total fraud. Sure, changing who you are completely and being fake and lying all the time might get you some ass, but pretty soon you probably won't be able to look yourself in the mirror.

    Anyway, BS was right. I know how hard it seems to seal the deal and ask a girl out, but just do it, just get the balls up to do it once, and even if you get turned down, your confidence will rise and you'll see how easy it is, and how hearing "no" isn't so bad, and rejection isn't the end of the world. Keep just picking yourself back up, brushing yourself off, and staying in the game, and it'll work out fine for you. And most importantly, you can say that you were yourself, and you didn't have to be fake or make up lies or stories or use lines to get a girl.
  8. Barbaric Swan

    Barbaric Swan Porn Star

    Aug 15, 2008

    what he said people!
  9. howsmahdriving

    howsmahdriving Porn Surfer

    Oct 19, 2008
    is there no need to build a certain comfort level before asking someone out for coffee?
  10. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    It's pretty simple. Start a short conversation with her, start out friendly, if you feel some kind of chemistry, ask her out. You'll both know if there's anything there within 5 minutes or so of talking I'd say. She'll give you subconscious signs that she's interested, and also that she isn't, depending on if there's chemistry or not. And DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES FORCE THE CONVERSATION. Keep it light, moving along, and make sure you keep it in the direction of having an opening to ask her out.

    If she's making up excuses, not seeming interested or seeming distracted, or using her phone or anything, just walk away, because it means she isn't interested and it's only going to be awkward and embarassing for you, EXTREMELY.
  11. porter

    porter Basstard

    Sep 20, 2006

    Be yourself man, if the girls don't like that then they're not worth your time. You should never be fake.
  12. z0diac14

    z0diac14 Porno Junky

    Dec 22, 2007
    Stop Referring to girls like a fucking video game dumbass.

    What the fuck you think your doing?

    Calling the girls targets. Wierdo's.
  13. porter

    porter Basstard

    Sep 20, 2006
    Says the guy posting on a porn forum XP
  14. cherryblossom55

    cherryblossom55 Porno Junky

    Oct 9, 2008
    That could be a point for debate. I asked a guy out once in grade 8 and when I was turned down my self confidence went through the floor and I didn't date until the end of grade 10. How's that for reassurance? lol

    But seriously, dude, you've taken the first step and that's great, she knows who you are. My suggestion would be to try and get to know her a little better in a non-pressure environment (ie school: class, cafeteria, hallway etc) and she will probably get the idea. When you see her reaction, and if you still really like her when yu get to know her better, GO for it!! As was said, just ask her to go for coffee or something if you want low pressure.
  15. baller16

    baller16 Porn Star Suspended!

    Jun 19, 2006
    haha damn, that sucks. I was speaking from experience too. I never had to ask girls out before HS, they would come up to me or my friends, or me and my friends would hook each other up, and I had a few girls with crushes on me too. Then I moved right as I was starting HS, became a virtual unknown, and since I'd never asked girls out before, by the time I had chances to, I couldn't seal the deal. Then after mutliple cases where girls "liked" me but it didn't work out because of whatever reason each time, I met this one girl who was always flirting with me and playfully touching me and everything, so I was like "fuck it, be a man, ask her out, so that you can at least say you did", and I did. I got a friendly brush off, but my confidence went sky high because I was back in the game, and I had just brushed off being rejected.

    True, there's a chance that you may not take rejection well, but if I were him, I'd think it was worth the risk.
  16. howsmahdriving

    howsmahdriving Porn Surfer

    Oct 19, 2008
    wow people seriously trip balls over the word target dont they? its the dam internet and its much easier/shorter than writing out the "girl i want to get know" every time. fuking A! gimme a break its not like i call her target or anything else thats degrading.

    my main goal here is to try not to come in with her already thinking im a creeper/weirdo so i can at least have a chance to hit on her and get a rejection at least. i want to be able to hear a "No" at least for the first time.

    thanks for everyone's ideas!
  17. join993

    join993 Porn Star

    Aug 3, 2007
    I did a little lol when I read "The target", but yeah like everyone else say... Just go up to her, and ask her out for a coffe or something.
  18. yagamilight

    yagamilight Resident Shinigami

    Mar 18, 2008
    at least treat them with respect ffs